Friday 3rd of April 2020
9 pm > 1 am – Loop screening
Duration: approx. 5 min

UGC Ciné Cité
40 rue de Béthune
59000 Lille

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Generative micro mapping

École Supérieure d’Art & de Communication of Cambrai

A visual and sound experience generated in real time thanks to computer code by students specialised in graphic design.
Video mapping created as part of a Research and Creation workshop by about 15 students from the École Supérieure d’Art & de Communication of Cambrai.

Harmonic Motions

This year, the students will perform the projection: the team works to create geometric primitives which move around according to the sound, all without a pre-established software, but coded in real time on the day of the event. The audience will also discover the behind the scenes and see the students use the computer code.
The Creations and Researches Axes are initiation workshops about the research in Art and Design, in which about 15 students from bachelor and master degrees develop production tools and try new forms of visual compositions which, once put together, widen the range of graphic creation.

Creative team
École Supérieure d’Art & de Communication of Cambrai –
Amandine Alonso
Gaston Bideau
Pauline Boitel
Adrien Clabecq
Antoine Damay
Aline Jan
Camille Leroy
Killian Maguet
Sara Meniel
Constance Merlin
Raphaël Pelloille
Chloé Philippon
Flora Villaumie-Henderson
Elisa Yuste

Keyvane Alinaghi, Mark Webster

Supervising staff
Ludovic Burczykowski



Video mapping created for the Video Mapping Festival organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles, as part of a workshop led from December to March at the École Supérieure d’Art & de Communication of Cambrai.

With the support of UGC.



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